Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome to the SOGGY SOGGY SOUTH!

Ya know, I lived in Georgia and North Carolina a long time.  Like since I was 4 years old until I was 40.  A LONG time.  I never, ever remember seeing a summer like this one.  Since the minivan passed thru Alabama almost 2 weeks ago I swear that it has rained at least one time every day.  EVERY STINKIN' DAY!! 

Today was the topper.  After it rained off and on several times I thought I'd take the girls out for a little walk in the community.  So we get halfway down the giant hill just outside our door.  That's when I hear the rain coming - I hear it!!  So I grab Kate's hand, turn the stroller around and we RUN back up the hill as fast as we can go.  Nope, didn't make it.  We were all soaked by the time we made it the short distance back to the deck of our condo.  As we stand there laughing and watching it pour (BUCKETS!) Kate notices there is now a river flowing down the street.  It was a "good mom/bad mom" moment and I caved.  Kate and I played in the river with our shoes on.  Once they were soaked we went back for more - barefoot!  I hope this is a memory Kate remembers when she is older.  I certainly will!

Yesterday, since it had rained for 3 days and we needed out of the condo, we headed to the Boone Mall for some back to school shopping.  They have a Belk and I had a gift card so Kate scored some cute new dresses.  Yay for actually having clothes that every other kid won't be wearing because they aren't from Target!  Ha!  Below are some not great pics of the cute dresses.  The denim dress has been selected for the 1st day of school!


Other than shopping and playing in the rain we have gotten in some playtime at the super soggy parks in the area.  Here are some cute pictures I've taken of the girls.

Note the rain boots!
Killing time indoors during the rain!

Taken on a rare hour of sunshine in Boone!


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